Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash


At Newsiazy, we are dedicated to informing, educating and informing you with well researched stories stories which are objective and creative. We believe in work that is well done to build our deserving community.

(we need to include a powerful visual here to convey our message. I'm thinking Mercy and I stand in a picture each holding a paper one has a red bar, the other a blue bar (the red/blue team thing of Journalism) then in the middle we both hold a paper labeled script.


To serve mankind in well reaearched, Fair and creative stories that inform, educate and entertain.


To be the Best news site in the world.


To build Trust with accurate stories and honest work

Creativity is the foundation of newsiazy

Respect for one another across contexts.

Ethical reporting is at the core of newsiazy

To enhance Development in communities through development oriented stories.